B E L L   R I N G I N G   U N I T S


The firm "Sachs"  in Salzburg developed bell ring untits since  1939 and manufactured them in self production.

Corresponded to the request of time the new electonic Sachs bell ring machine was developed.

Today this Austrian innovation is installed in more than 500 bell       ringing units and works free from interferenz everywhere.

Bell ringing  machine 2000                                    Electronic steering for bells, programmable with  laptop    about RS232/RS485            »free regulatable                    »finest adjustment                  »optimal height demarcation  »integrated "striking mechan- ism switch off"  when the bell is ringing                                »for all bell sizes                    »any enlargeable                    »for brake mechanisms and    clapper catch mechanisms



Bellringing motore 2000   slowly- turn tough asynchronous motores with    a high approach moment,       consumtion free regulation      from the installed Inkremen-   talgeber (Tachogenerator),    consumtion free drive chain    with two tension springs.


Control Panel                 for max. 6 bells and  6      clapper catch mechanism, two rows  of illuminated    LCD-indications,              combineable with wire-     less remote control      


WINCLOCK 2001      Software for a simple       programming for the          Bell ringing machine-       2000, simple operation     with extensive                  opportunities for               adjustment of                   exactly height                   demarcation and              swing frequency,              any time selectable           and available,                   showable on store            medium.


Bell cage

We construct and               manufactur every kind of    bell cages , depending on   your wish,  from long         standing stored oak or       larch wood, but also from   with fire galvanized steel     elevations.                         We can also refer to a        long standing experience     with the renovation from  existing installations.

Bell yoke                    We built new or renovate   to every bell the elevant     bell yokes, from oak or      larch wood, but also from  fire gavanized steel             elevations with the  ringing  wheel belonging to it.